Home » Protein-Ligand Binding Web App

Protein-Ligand Binding Web App

The fraction ($f$) of protein with ligand-bound is

$ f=\frac{P_T+L_T+K_D-\sqrt{(P_T+L_T+K_D)^2-4P_TL_T}}{2P_T} $

It is a function of

  • total protein concentration ($[P_T]$)
  • total ligand concentration ($[L_T]$)
  • binding affinity ($K_D$)

not just the molar ratio between the protein and ligand ($[P_T]:[L_T]$). This Web app will help you better understand the relationship between these 4 variables.


Site 1 (click me) 


The quadratic binding ratio formula included in this web app has also been discussed in detail in this paper that I recommend as a must-read paper for anyone who plans to measure binding affinity:

Jarmoskaite, I., AlSadhan, I., Vaidyanathan, P. P., & Herschlag, D. (2020). How to measure and evaluate binding affinities. eLife, 9. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.57264


Open Source/Development

The source code and all revisions are available on GitHub